If you cannot put a male and female betta together how do get baby bettas?

Bettas are indeed territorial fish and males and females cannot be kept together permanently, but they can be kept together temporarily for breeding purposes. Here's how you can get baby bettas:

1. Prepare a Breeding Tank: Set up a separate breeding tank of about 10 gallons. Make sure the tank has a filter, a heater, and live plants or hiding spots. Water conditions should be ideal for bettas, with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 and a temperature around 78°F.

2. Conditioning the Bettas: Before placing the male and female bettas together, condition them separately for about 2 weeks. Provide them with a high-quality diet, including live or frozen foods, and maintain the water quality in their tanks.

3. Introducing the Pair: Once the bettas are conditioned, introduce the female into the breeding tank first. Give her some time to explore the tank and settle in. Then, gently add the male betta.

4. Observe Their Behavior: Watch the interaction between the male and female bettas closely. The male betta may display courtship behaviors such as flaring his fins, building a bubble nest, and swimming around the female.

5. Breeding Process: If the male and female bettas are compatible and ready to breed, the male will start building a bubble nest near the surface of the water. The female will release her eggs, and the male will fertilize them. The fertilized eggs will then rise to the surface and get trapped in the bubble nest.

6. Remove the Female: Once the breeding process is complete, remove the female betta from the breeding tank and place her back in her regular tank. The male betta will stay near the bubble nest and guard the eggs.

7. Hatching and Feeding the Fry: The eggs will hatch within 24 to 48 hours. The male betta will continue to guard the fry and care for them until they are free-swimming. Feed the fry with newly hatched brine shrimp or specialized fry food.

8. Separate the Fry: As the fry grow larger and start competing for food, separate them into individual tanks or larger tanks with plenty of space to avoid aggression and ensure their proper growth.

9. Provide Proper Care: Continue to provide proper water conditions, a balanced diet, and maintain water quality for the fry. As they mature, gradually transition them to a community tank or keep them in separate tanks if desired.

Remember, breeding bettas requires patience and attention to detail. It's important to research and understand the process before attempting to breed bettas to ensure their well-being and successful breeding.