How do you get bettas to know each other?

It is generally not recommended to keep betta fish together, as they can be territorial and may fight each other. Introducing additional betta fish can cause significant stress and aggression, leading to injuries and even death. They could mistake each other for being in their own territory and engage in aggressive disputes, which can turn physical and have dangerous consequences.

Here are some tips to help bettas get to know each other and reduce aggression if introduction is necessary:

- Quarantine new bettas: Before introducing a new betta to your existing community tank, quarantine it for at least 2 weeks to ensure it is disease-free.

- Use a larger tank: A bigger tank can provide more living space and reduce territorial disputes. Aim for at least 5 gallons (19 litres) or larger for multiple bettas.

- Add plants and hiding spots: Plants and other decorations can provide cover for bettas to retreat to if they feel threatened.

- Gradually introduce them: Start by placing the new betta in a separate container within the tank, such as a breeder box or net breeder, so they can see and smell each other without direct contact. Gradually increase their exposure to each other over the course of a few days. Remove if bullying is noted.

- Closely monitor their interactions: Keep an eye on the bettas' behavior, and separate them immediately if you see any signs of aggression like flaring fins, chasing, nipping, or biting.

- Consider individual personalities: Some bettas may be more aggressive than others. If a particular fish shows continuous aggression, it may need to be kept alone.

Remember, introducing multiple bettas to a tank is risky and may not be successful. It's crucial to prioritize the well-being of your fish by providing a suitable environment and ensuring their safety. If you have concerns or observe any aggression, it is advisable to err on the side of caution and keep the bettas in separate tanks.