How do you catch a paddle fish?

To catch a paddlefish, follow these steps:

1. Choose the right time and location. Paddlefish are most active during the spring when the water temperature is between 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Look for areas with moderate current with a depth of at least 20 feet, such as below dams, river bends, or the confluence of two rivers.

2. Select appropriate gear. Paddlefish have tough mouths, so you'll need heavy tackle to catch them.

* Rod and reel: Use a medium-heavy or heavy-duty rod with a reel that can hold at least 300 yards of 20-pound test line.

* Line: Use 20-pound test monofilament or braided line.

* Bait: Paddlefish are filter feeders and eat plankton and small fish, so you can use a variety of baits. Common choices include live shad, minnows, or even cut bait.

* Hook: Use a large, sharp hook such as a 6/0 or 7/0 circle hook.

3. Set up your bait.

* For live bait: Hook the live baitfish through the lips and let it swim freely.

* For cut bait: Thread a piece of cut bait onto the hook and secure it with a rubber band or string.

4. Cast your line. Make a long cast and let the bait sink to the bottom.

5. Hold on tight! Paddlefish fights hard when hooked and can make powerful runs. Be prepared for a fast battle and keep the rod tip high to prevent the fish from diving under the boat.

6. Play the fish. If the fish starts to head for cover, try to turn it by applying pressure on the line. Give the fish line when necessary and reel in when you can.

7. Land the fish. Once the paddlefish is exhausted, use a net to land it. Be careful as paddlefish have a sharp rostrum and can easily injure you if not handled with care.

8. Release the paddlefish. If you did not intend to keep the fish, release it gently by holding it vertically in the water and supporting its body. Paddlefish are an important part of the ecosystem and should be released if possible.