Why is my betta fish bloated?

1. Overeating

Betta fish are known to be voracious eaters and can easily overeat, leading to bloating. Avoid overfeeding your betta by sticking to a consistent feeding schedule and offering only a small amount of food at a time.

2. Constipation

Constipation can also cause bloating. Bettas that are fed a diet high in protein and low in fiber are more prone to constipation. Feed your betta a high-quality food designed for bettas and offer live food like brine shrimp or daphnia to help with digestion. You can also try blanching some vegetables like zucchini or cucumber and feeding them to your betta.

3. Swim Bladder Disease

Swim bladder disease refers to a group of conditions that affect the swim bladder, an organ responsible for buoyancy in fish. Bettas with swim bladder disease may have difficulty swimming and may appear bloated. There are several causes of swim bladder disease, including bacterial infections, constipation, and genetic factors. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, but often includes antibiotics, water adjustments, and dietary changes.

4. Dropsy

Dropsy is a severe bacterial infection that can cause fluid accumulation in the body, leading to bloating. Bettas with dropsy may also have Popeye (a bulging of the eye) and loss of appetite. Treatment involves antibiotics, but the prognosis is often guarded.

5. Egg Binding

Bloating can also be a sign of egg binding in female bettas. Egg binding occurs when the female is unable to expel her eggs, leading to a buildup of pressure in the abdomen. Egg binding can be fatal, and treatment involves gently squeezing the female's belly to help her release the eggs.

6. Tumors and Cysts

In rare cases, bloating may be caused by tumors or cysts. These are typically benign in betta fish, but they can cause discomfort and may require surgical removal.

Always monitor your betta's water quality and feeding habits. If you suspect your betta is bloated due to overfeeding or constipation, adjust their diet and feeding schedule accordingly. If the bloating persists and the betta exhibits other symptoms, such as difficulty swimming, loss of appetite, or Popeye, it is essential to consult a veterinarian experienced in treating fish.