Common molly fish, such as black mollies, dalmatian mollies, and sailfin mollies, are typically the least expensive and can be found for a few dollars each. These fish are widely available and are often sold at pet stores and online retailers.
Fancy mollies, such as balloon mollies, lyretail mollies, and tuxedo mollies, are more expensive and can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 each. These fish have unique features, such as long fins, unusual body shapes, or distinctive coloration.
Rare and specialty molly fish, such as the gold dust molly, the orange blotch molly, and the platinum molly, can be quite expensive and can cost several hundred dollars each. These fish are highly prized by collectors and are not as commonly available as other molly fish.
It is important to note that the prices указаны above are approximate and can vary depending on the specific store or breeder from which the fish is purchased. It is always a good idea to shop around and compare prices before purchasing a molly fish.