What is the daily food consumption of a right whale?

Right whales are filter feeders and consume large quantities of krill, copepods, and other small crustaceans. Their daily food consumption varies depending on factors such as:

* Time of year: They eat more during the spring and summer when their prey is abundant.

* Location: Food availability varies geographically.

* Individual whale's size and age: Larger whales need to consume more food.

Estimated daily consumption:

* Average: 2-3 tons of krill per day

* Maximum: Up to 6 tons of krill per day

To put this into perspective:

* That's equivalent to about 4,000-6,000 pounds of krill per day!

* An average person might consume 1-2 pounds of food per day.

Interesting fact: Right whales have baleen plates instead of teeth. These plates are made of keratin (the same material as human hair and nails) and act like a sieve to filter out small crustaceans from the water.

It's important to note that these are estimates, and the actual daily food consumption of a right whale can vary significantly.