Can you keep feeder fish in a bowl?

It is not recommended to keep feeder fish in a bowl. Here's why:

* Limited Space: Bowls offer extremely limited space, which restricts the fish's movement and can lead to stress and health problems.

* Poor Water Quality: Bowls lack adequate filtration systems, resulting in poor water quality that can quickly become toxic.

* Limited Oxygen: Bowls have a small surface area, limiting oxygen availability for the fish.

* Temperature Fluctuation: Bowls are prone to temperature fluctuations, which can be harmful to fish.

* Ethical Concerns: Keeping any fish in a bowl is generally considered unethical due to the lack of proper living conditions.

Instead of a bowl, it's recommended to use an appropriately sized aquarium with proper filtration, heating, and aeration systems.

Remember, even feeder fish deserve to live in a healthy and comfortable environment.