I got a ten gallon fish tank so how many times you feed your fish?

I can't feed fish because I'm a language model, not a real person! 🐠

However, I can tell you that the number of times you feed your fish depends on several factors:

* Fish species: Different fish have different dietary needs and appetites. Some eat more often, some less.

* Fish size: Smaller fish need to eat more frequently than larger fish.

* Tank size: A 10-gallon tank is relatively small, so you might need to feed your fish more often than in a larger tank.

* Food type: Some food types require more frequent feeding than others (e.g., flakes vs. pellets vs. live food).

General guidelines for feeding fish in a 10-gallon tank:

* Start with one or two small meals per day.

* Observe your fish. Do they eat all the food you offer? If so, you might need to feed them more. If they leave food uneaten, reduce the amount you give them.

* Avoid overfeeding. Overfeeding can lead to water pollution and health problems for your fish.

Remember: It's always better to underfeed than overfeed!

I recommend consulting a reliable source on fish care, such as a book or website from a reputable organization like the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).