1. Seals: This is a primary food source for great whites, particularly in areas with large seal populations.
2. Sea lions: Similar to seals, sea lions are a common prey item, especially for larger great whites.
3. Fish: They eat a variety of fish, including tuna, salmon, and sharks.
4. Whales: They may occasionally hunt young or injured whales, though this is less common than other prey.
5. Dolphins: They may also prey on dolphins, particularly in areas with dense dolphin populations.
6. Sea turtles: Great whites have been known to eat sea turtles, although they are not a primary food source.
7. Birds: They may occasionally eat birds, particularly if the birds are in the water or near the surface.
8. Other sharks: Great whites are known to prey on smaller shark species, including other great whites.
9. Rays: They may also eat stingrays and other types of rays.
10. Carrion: Great whites are scavengers and will feed on dead animals, including whales and other large marine mammals.