What kind of food do sharks eat?

Sharks are carnivores, which means they eat other animals. What they eat depends on the species of shark and where it lives. Here's a breakdown:

General Diet:

* Fish: This is the most common food for many shark species, ranging from small fish to large tuna.

* Marine mammals: Some larger sharks like Great Whites and Orcas prey on seals, sea lions, dolphins, and even whales.

* Other sharks: Some sharks are known to eat other sharks, especially smaller species.

* Crustaceans: Crabs, lobsters, and shrimp are part of the diet for some species.

* Seabirds: Some sharks will occasionally eat birds that fall into the water.

* Sea turtles: Some large sharks, like Tiger Sharks, are known to eat sea turtles.

Specific Examples:

* Great White Shark: Mostly eats seals, sea lions, fish, and other sharks.

* Tiger Shark: Known for its scavenging habits, eats almost anything, including fish, sea turtles, birds, and even garbage.

* Hammerhead Shark: Primarily eats rays, skates, and bony fish.

* Whale Shark: The largest fish in the world, it filters plankton, krill, and small fish from the water.

* Bull Shark: A diverse diet including fish, sea turtles, birds, and small mammals.

Important Note: While many sharks are apex predators, some are also scavengers. This means they will eat dead animals they find, helping to keep the ocean clean.