Here's a general guide:
* Fry (less than 1 inch): Feed 4-6 times a day, small amounts each time.
* Juveniles (1-3 inches): Feed 3-4 times a day, increasing the amount with each feeding.
* Adults (over 3 inches): Feed 1-2 times a day, offering as much food as they can consume within 2-3 minutes.
Important considerations:
* Food type: Flowerhorns are omnivores, so offer a variety of foods like pellets, flakes, live foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp), and occasional treats like vegetables (zucchini, peas).
* Water quality: Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues. Ensure you have a good filtration system and perform regular water changes.
* Individual fish: Each flowerhorn has different appetites. Observe your fish to determine how much they eat and adjust feeding accordingly.
Overfeeding is harmful. A bloated belly, constipation, and slow growth are signs of overfeeding. It's better to err on the side of underfeeding rather than overfeeding.
Remember: This is just a general guideline. It's always best to consult with a reputable fish expert or experienced flowerhorn breeder for specific advice on feeding your fish.