Do great white sharks eat humans?

While great white sharks are capable of eating humans, it's extremely rare. Here's a breakdown:

They are apex predators: Great whites are at the top of the food chain, and their diet typically consists of seals, sea lions, fish, and other marine mammals. Humans are not a natural prey item.

Provoked vs. Unprovoked Attacks: Most attacks on humans are provoked, meaning the shark is feeling threatened or confused. This can happen if a person is too close to the shark, is making loud noises, or is actively fishing or spearfishing. Unprovoked attacks are much rarer, and often occur when a shark mistakes a human for a typical prey item.

Statistics: Globally, there are very few unprovoked shark attacks each year, and only a small fraction of those are attributed to great whites. The odds of being attacked by a great white are incredibly low.

Important Considerations:

* Human activity: Overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution all impact shark populations and can increase the likelihood of encounters.

* Respecting their space: It's crucial to be aware of your surroundings when in the ocean and to avoid activities that could put you in a shark's territory.

* Shark conservation: Sharks are essential to the health of our oceans, and their populations are declining. We must work to protect them and ensure their survival.

In summary: While great whites are capable of eating humans, it's not a common occurrence. The vast majority of attacks are provoked, and the odds of being attacked by a great white are extremely low.