How to Use Salmon Roe As Aquarium Food

While salmon roe, also known as salmon eggs, is often seen as a delicacy due to its price tag, it is often cheaper than caviar. The roe is produced commercially by gathering female salmon before they begin to spawn, as this is the time when they possess the large eggs. These are then cut out of the fish and turned into the final product, which varies depending on the type of consumer the company is targeting. Salmon eggs are often used as fishing bait for trout since these fish will drop the heavier food in order to grab them. Since most aquariums do not possess fish large enough to eat the roe whole, this type of food needs to be broken down before using it as aquarium food.

Things You'll Need

  • Salmon roe
  • Blender
  • Freezer
  • Regular dry fish food
  • Tray
  • Spoon
  • Digital kitchen scale
  • Zipper-closure plastic bag
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      Purchase the salmon roe or collect it from a clean source such as a fish farm. Many of the more wild species can carry pathogens which would kill of the smaller fish in the aquarium as their immune systems are not used to the type of bacteria which is present in regular streams. Keep in mind that although the salmon eggs are very healthy, they should be introduced slowly into the fish's diet in order to prevent any digestive problems from occurring.

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      Place the salmon roe along with the dry fish food in the blender. As you are interested in the dry food absorbing and sticking to the roe, it is important to keep the ratio of around 80 percent dry food to 20 percent roe. This can be done by using a spoon or a digital kitchen scale. Start the blender and allow it to run for 30 seconds to break down the roe; more time might be needed if there are still whole egg pieces present.

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      Transfer the blended mixture into a plastic bag and seal it tightly. Put it into the freezer so that the bag's contents become harder, and once that is done, feed the mixture to the fish as if you would their regular food.

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      Dry the roe as an alternative to blending it. Dump the roe onto a tray and place it under strong sunlight. This might not be possible during certain seasons as there should be no clouds present and the temperatures up in the 80s or even higher. The eggs will take a couple hours to dry, so start the process around noon and allow a couple hours for it to finish. It might be best to do this behind a window in order to magnify the effects of the sun as well as keep any birds or other animals from feeding on the roe. Once the eggs are dry, mix them with the regular dry fish food and use as feed in the aquarium.