Select the appropriate fish flakes for the kind of fish you need to feed. For example, if you have a betta fish, purchase betta flakes, not goldfish flakes.
Create a schedule for when you will feed your fish, and stick to this schedule as much as possible. Feed your fish twice daily.
Feed your fish a very small pinch of fish flakes. Pinch some flakes between your thumb and forefinger, and sprinkle the flakes into the water. Carefully watch your fish eat. If all flakes are consumed quickly, feed another very small pinch.
Continue feeding small pinches of fish flakes as long as your fish is quickly eating all the flakes. Stop feeding as soon as your fish slows down or leaves uneaten food. Keep track of approximately how much food you are feeding for future reference.
Remove any uneaten food with a net 10 minutes after feeding to avoid water pollution. Skim the water with the net to gather the uneaten flakes.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 at each feeding.
How to Feed Fish Flakes
Found in pet stores, grocery stores and feed stores in the United States, fish flakes are commercially manufactured, baked fish food for a variety of tropical and saltwater fish. Fish flakes float until they absorb water and sink to the bottom. They are designed for fish species that feed at the top of the water. Flakes are manufactured for specific species and should be fed only to the appropriate fish. Goldfish flakes have more vegetable ingredients, and tropical flakes have more meat ingredients. Careful feeding is required when feeding fish flakes. Most fish are opportunistic eaters because, in the wild, they don't know when they will have another meal; therefore, they will eat as much as possible when fed. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues, illness, obesity and death.