Things You'll Need
- Flake fish food
- Bloodworms
- Insect larvae
- Water fleas
- Lettuce
- Peas
Feed the zebra danios a high-quality flake food as the main part of their diet. Most pet stores have a variety of flake foods to choose from. Feed zebra danios the amount of food they can consume in two minutes twice a day.
Put live and frozen foods in the tank on occasion. Aquaria Central website suggests feeding zebra danios insect larvae and bloodworms. They can also be fed fish water fleas, according to Peter McKane in his article "Caring for Zebrafish." Local pet stores may carry these foods, either live or frozen.
Insert vegetables every other day, such as a pinch of blanched lettuce or a single blanched pea. Crushed algae tablets are also a suitable vegetable source for the fish.