The common carp eats freshwater plants like pondweed, and feeds on these in small amounts while swimming. Water lettuce and water chestnut are also among the types of plants that carps will feed on.
Carps are omnivorous, which means they eat animals as well as plants. The fish will feed on crayfish, as well as other dead fish and small aquatic invertebrates.
Benthic Animals and Insects
The common carp will eat insects in their immature form that live on the floor of the body of water, such as mayfly and stonefly nymphs. Since carps are scavengers, they will search the bottom of the body of water they live in to find zooplankton and benthic worms, such as the common clam worm.
Mollusks such as clams are a part of the carp's diet as well; the fish will find the food at the bottom of the body of water. The fish has pharyngeal teeth, which are located in the back of the throat, and strong enough to crack the mollusk's shell.
Additional Food
Common carp will also eat nuts or seeds that fall into the water from trees and other plants, such as the tiger "nut," which is actually a tuber that is sometimes referred to as a ground almond. Fisherman will sometimes use the tiger nut as carp bait.
The Diet of the Common Carp
The common carp is a freshwater fish that resides mainly in the lakes and rivers of Asia and Europe; in some parts of the U.S., the fish is considered an invasive species. The fish feeds on a number of foods, and finds its nourishment in more than one way in order to thrive.