How to Buy Infusoria

Infusoria are microscopic protozoans used to feed newly hatched fish, called fish fry. Most established home aquariums already contain a quantity of infusoria; however, this is often not enough infusoria to feed a large quantity of fish fry. Follow these simple steps to buy infusoria.


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      Locate a company from which to buy infusoria. You can cultivate or grow infusoria at home, but it's easier to purchase infusoria from biological supply retailers such as Blue Spruce Biological Supply. (See link in Resources.)

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      Determine the amount of infusoria that you which to purchase. A small quantity or culture of live protozoans (infusoria) is often enough for the home aquarium because you can then cultivate these protozoans at home to produce more infusoria.

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      Check with your local pet store that sells aquariums and fish. They'll have infusoria and other microscopic organism cultures available for fish fry.

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      Select a fast shipping method for your infusoria purchase. Because infusoria are living creatures, you will want them to arrive at your home as fast as possible. Many biological supply retailers require either overnight or two day shipping for live products, including infusoria.

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      Consider free sources of infusoria, including water from stagnant ponds that have lots of algae or vegetation, used aquarium filters or water from a vase of flowers.