How is a newborn dolphin fed?

Newborn dolphins are fed milk by their mothers.

Here's how it works:

* Milk production: Female dolphins have mammary glands, just like humans. These glands produce milk specifically for their calves.

* Milk composition: Dolphin milk is incredibly rich in fat and protein, giving the calves the nutrients they need to grow quickly. It's also higher in calories than cow's milk, providing the energy the calves need to swim and dive.

* Nursing: The calves nurse by suckling on their mother's teats, which are located in the genital slit. The calves typically nurse for several months, sometimes up to a year.

* Frequency: Mother dolphins nurse their calves frequently, often throughout the day.

Interestingly, dolphin calves are able to swim and even breathe independently very early on. However, they rely on their mothers for warmth, protection, and nourishment during their first few months.