How to Feed Purple Anthias

Th purple anthias is a beautiful fish -- amethyst with a yellow stripe on its back -- found in the deep Pacific Ocean around coral reefs. When brought into a home aquarium, they may be difficult to keep alive; they often won't eat until acclimated to their new environment. Purple anthias do best in a large tank -- 55-gallon minimum -- with a group of other purple anthias (one male and five females is recommended). They enjoy a dimly lighted tank with lots of hiding places. Anthias are carnivores and should eat three to four times a day.

Things You'll Need

  • Zooplankton, commercially prepared
  • Mysid shrimp
  • Vitamin-enriched brine shrimp
  • Frozen meat preparation for marine fish
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      Prepare your tank for your purple anthias. Anthias live naturally in coral reefs in excess of 100 feet deep, so do better in larger tanks with a variety of places -- caves, ledges, rocks and coral -- in, under and around which to hide.

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      Buy the appropriate food and have a variety on hand. Purple anthias feed on zooplankton -- microscopic organisms that float in the water -- in the wild. You can can buy zooplankton in liquid form and in a frozen meat preparation. Anthias also eat brine shrimp and mysid shrimp. Anthias prefer live or frozen foods, but will also eat freeze-dried food.

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      Feed your purple anthias small meals three to four times a day. Try one type of food at a time to see how your anthias adapt to it. If they refuse to eat, try a different type until you find one they'll thrive on.