How to Feed Rainbow Sharks

The freshwater rainbow shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatus) can succeed in a home aquarium with minimal care. Semi-aggressive, the fish will coexist with tank mates but often makes war with its own kind or similar species. An omnivore in the wild, the rainbow shark subsists on insects, insect larvae, algae, bits of meat and decaying plant matter. The fish requires a diverse diet in captivity to help maintain its immune system. The rainbow shark does not suffer from a finicky nature and will happily accept a wide selection of foods to meet its nutrient needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Commercial fish flakes
  • Tubiflex
  • Freeze dried blood worms
  • Algae wafers
  • Fresh leafy green vegetables
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    • 1

      Provide a pinch of commercial flake food, tubiflex and freeze dried blood worms per day for the rainbow shark. The fish will usually continue to scrounge for the leftovers at the bottom of the tank that its tank mates do not consume.

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      Drop an algae wafer into the tank for the foraging rainbow shark to find and enjoy. In the wild the fish enjoys consuming algae.

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      Dice up tiny pieces of leafy green vegetables such as lettuce or spinach. Feeding it a well-balanced diet with the addition of vegetables can help brighten the fish's colors.