When is mating season for fish?

Fish do not have a specific "mating season" in the same way that terrestrial animals do. Instead, different fish species have different reproductive strategies and the time of spawning (laying eggs) or giving birth varies depending on the species and environmental factors.

Some fish species have specific breeding seasons:

- _Temperate fish_: such as salmon and trout, often have a specific breeding season that coincides with environmental cues such as changes in water temperature or day length. For example, salmon migrate upstream to their spawning grounds during specific times of the year.

- _Tropical fish_: that live in stable environments may breed continuously or multiple times throughout the year. Many tropical fish species will spawn when the water temperature is between 75-85°F (24-29°C).

Some fish exhibit year-round reproductive cycles:

- Some species, such as guppies, reproduce continuously as long as environmental conditions are favorable.