1. Baleen Whales (Mysticeti):
- Krill: Many baleen whales, such as the blue whale, humpback whale, and fin whale, primarily feed on krill. Krill are tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans found in vast numbers in the ocean's upper water layers.
- Plankton: Some baleen whales, like the North Atlantic right whale, feed on plankton, which includes microscopic organisms such as diatoms, copepods, and other zooplankton.
2. Toothed Whales (Odontoceti):
- Fish: Many toothed whales, such as the orca (killer whale), bottlenose dolphin, and minke whale, are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish, including herring, salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
- Cephalopods: Squid, octopus, and cuttlefish are common prey for some toothed whales like the sperm whale, giant squid whale, and beaked whales.
- Marine Mammals: Some larger toothed whales, like the orca, also hunt and prey upon other marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and smaller whale species.
3. Filter-Feeding Whales:
- Basking Shark: The basking shark is the only filter-feeding shark and feeds primarily on plankton and small fish by filtering large amounts of water through its gills.
It's important to note that some whale species may have specialized diets and target specific prey based on their unique adaptations and preferences. Additionally, whales' diets can vary depending on the availability of food sources and the time of year.