What eats penguins?

* Leopard seals: These are the main predators of penguins. They are fast, agile swimmers and can easily catch penguins in the water.

* Orcas: These large whales also prey on penguins. They may hunt alone or in groups, and are very efficient at catching penguins.

* Fur seals: These seals are not as common predators of penguins as leopard seals and orcas, but they will occasionally take a penguin if the opportunity arises.

* Giant petrels: These large birds are scavengers, but will also prey on penguins, especially chicks and eggs.

* Skuas: These smaller birds are also scavengers, but will also prey on penguins, especially chicks and eggs.

* Other penguins: Some penguin species, such as the emperor penguin, will prey on smaller penguin species, such as the Adélie penguin.