Can you separate goldfish eggs from their mum?

It is generally not necessary to separate goldfish eggs from their mother, as the mother goldfish will usually take care of the eggs and protect them until they hatch. However, if the mother goldfish is not providing enough care or if the eggs are in danger of being eaten by other fish, it may be necessary to separate them.

To separate goldfish eggs from the mother, you will need a small container, such as a plastic cup or bowl, and a net. Gently scoop the eggs out of the water with the net and place them in the container. Be careful not to damage the eggs.

Once the eggs are in the container, fill it with clean, dechlorinated water. The water should be at the same temperature as the water in the tank where the eggs were laid.

Add a small amount of methylene blue to the water to help prevent fungal growth.

Place the container in a warm, dark place. The eggs will hatch in about 5 to 7 days.

Once the eggs have hatched, you can feed the fry with small live food, such as brine shrimp or daphnia.