What can you feed Betta fish other than pellets?

Here are some foods you can feed Betta fish other than pellets:

- Live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia

- Frozen foods such as frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, and frozen mysis shrimp

- Flake foods specifically formulated for Betta fish

- Freeze-dried foods such as freeze-dried brine shrimp, freeze-dried bloodworms, and freeze-dried daphnia

- Occasional treats such as pieces of cooked vegetables (e.g., zucchini, cucumber, peas) or small pieces of fruits (e.g., banana, mango, melon)

When feeding your Betta fish, it's important to offer a varied diet to ensure they receive a balanced nutrition. Also, be mindful of the quantity of food you provide, as overfeeding can lead to health problems. Generally, it's recommended to feed Betta fish small amounts once or twice a day.