Why do sharks eat one another?

There are several reasons why sharks eat one another:

- Competition for resources: Sharks are predators that compete for the same food sources, such as fish, squid, and seals. In order to survive, some sharks may resort to cannibalism, especially when food is scarce.

- Sibling rivalry: Some species of sharks, such as the nurse shark, exhibit sibling cannibalism. In these cases, the larger and stronger siblings may consume their smaller and weaker siblings while they are still in the womb or shortly after birth. This behavior ensures that the strongest and fittest sharks survive and reproduce.

- Predation: Some species of sharks, such as the great white shark, are known to prey on other sharks, including smaller species of sharks and even their own kind. This predatory behavior is often driven by hunger, as sharks need to consume large amounts of food to survive.

- Defensive behavior: In some cases, sharks may eat one another as a defensive mechanism. If a shark feels threatened or attacked by another shark, it may retaliate by biting and consuming its aggressor. This behavior serves as a warning to other sharks and helps the shark defend its territory or protect itself from harm.