What are facts about children dolphins?

* Calves are born tail-first. This helps to prevent the umbilical cord from becoming wrapped around the calf's neck, which could lead to strangulation.

* Dolphins are born with all of their teeth. They have 50 to 100 teeth, which are constantly replaced throughout their lives.

* Calves are nursed for up to two years. They drink their mothers' milk every few hours, and the milk is very rich in fat and protein.

* Calves learn to swim and hunt by watching their mothers. They start to swim within a few days of being born, and they start learning how to hunt when they are about six months old.

* Dolphins live in pods of up to 100 individuals. They use a variety of clicks, whistles, and body language to communicate with each other.

* Dolphins are very intelligent creatures. They are able to learn complex tasks, and they are even capable of recognizing themselves in a mirror.