Here's a breakdown of some of the sounds they make:
* Whistles: These are the most common sounds, used for communication, particularly between mothers and calves. They can be short and simple, or long and complex, and their frequency can vary.
* Clicks: Orcas use clicks for echolocation, similar to bats. They send out clicks that bounce off objects in their environment, allowing them to "see" with sound.
* Pulses: These are a series of short clicks, used for communication and potentially echolocation.
* Moans: Orcas sometimes make low, moaning sounds, particularly during social interactions.
* Shrieks and screams: These are used for communication and potentially aggression.
The exact sounds orcas make can vary depending on the individual, their age, and the situation. While their high-pitched whistles are the most recognizable, they have a complex vocal repertoire.