Where do neddlefish live?

Needlefish, also known as garfish, are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They are typically found in coastal areas, estuaries, and bays with plenty of vegetation and shallow waters. Some species are also found in open ocean areas.

Here's a more specific breakdown:

* Atlantic Ocean: Along the coasts of North and South America, Europe, and Africa.

* Pacific Ocean: Along the coasts of North and South America, Asia, and Australia.

* Indian Ocean: Along the coasts of Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Specific examples:

* Atlantic Needlefish: Found along the Atlantic coast of North America from Maine to Florida.

* Belone belone (European Garfish): Found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, from Norway to South Africa.

* Strongylura marina (Atlantic Needlefish): Found in the western Atlantic Ocean, from Nova Scotia to Argentina.

* Strongylura incisa (Pacific Needlefish): Found in the eastern Pacific Ocean, from California to Chile.

It's important to note that specific species of needlefish have different geographic ranges. If you're interested in the specific location of a certain species, you can find more detailed information online or in fish identification guides.