What animal is a Amphibious pond-dweller?

There are many animals that are amphibious pond-dwellers, but here are a few examples:

* Frogs and Toads: These are the most common and well-known amphibious pond-dwellers. They spend their larval stage in the water as tadpoles and then transition to land as adults, though they often return to the water to breed.

* Salamanders: Similar to frogs and toads, salamanders also spend their larval stage in the water and then transition to land as adults. They may spend a significant amount of time in the water or only occasionally return to breed.

* Newts: Newts are a type of salamander that are often brightly colored. They are also amphibious and spend their larval stage in the water.

* Snakes: Some species of snakes, such as the garter snake and the water snake, are semi-aquatic and spend a significant portion of their time in ponds and other water bodies.

* Turtles: Some turtles, such as the snapping turtle and the painted turtle, live in ponds and spend a lot of time in the water, though they can also live on land.

* Water Bugs: Many different species of water bugs live in ponds and other bodies of water. Some are predatory, while others are herbivores.

These are just a few examples of the many animals that can be found in ponds and other water bodies.