Here's why:
* International Protection: Dolphins are protected by international laws and treaties, making it illegal to hunt or kill them in most parts of the world.
* Limited Commercial Value: Unlike some other marine species, dolphins don't have a significant commercial value for their meat, skin, or other parts.
* High Risk, Low Reward: Hunting dolphins is a risky and difficult task. They are intelligent and elusive animals, making them hard to catch. The potential reward for killing a dolphin is not worth the effort and legal consequences.
It's important to note:
* Accidental Bycatch: While dolphins aren't directly targeted, they can be accidentally caught in fishing nets (bycatch), which can be a significant problem for dolphin populations.
* Local Practices: In some remote areas, there may be small-scale, traditional hunts for dolphins, but these are not typical or widespread.
If you are concerned about the welfare of dolphins, you can support organizations working to protect them from threats like bycatch, habitat loss, and pollution.