Do black ghost knife fish have spawn?

Yes, black ghost knife fish do spawn.

Here's some information about their spawning behavior:

* Egg-laying: Black ghost knife fish are egg-laying fish.

* Breeding behavior: The male will prepare a nest in a secluded area of the tank and the female will lay eggs.

* Parental care: Both parents will guard and care for the eggs.

* Hatching: The eggs will hatch in about 5-7 days.

* Fry: The fry will be able to swim and hunt on their own after a few weeks.

However, it is very rare for black ghost knife fish to spawn in captivity.

Here are some of the reasons why:

* Difficult to trigger spawning: They are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity.

* Specific conditions: They need specific water parameters and conditions to spawn.

* Stressful environment: The stress of a home aquarium can make it difficult for them to breed.

If you are considering breeding black ghost knife fish, it is important to do your research and provide them with the proper conditions. You will also need to be patient, as it may take a long time for them to spawn.