Are whale sharks friendly to humans?

Whale sharks are generally considered friendly to humans. They are not aggressive and have never been known to attack a human. In fact, they are quite curious and often approach divers and snorkelers.

Here's why:

* Filter feeders: Whale sharks are filter feeders, meaning they eat tiny organisms in the water. They don't pose any threat to humans as their mouths are too small to swallow anything larger than plankton.

* Gentle giants: Whale sharks are the largest fish in the ocean, but they are gentle giants. They are not aggressive towards humans and often swim peacefully alongside them.

* Curious nature: Whale sharks are known to be curious and will often approach divers and snorkelers. They may even swim close enough to touch.

However, it's important to remember that whale sharks are wild animals and should be treated with respect. Here are some tips for interacting with whale sharks safely:

* Keep a safe distance: Don't get too close to a whale shark. Give it plenty of space and avoid touching or harassing it.

* Don't chase or corner: Whale sharks are sensitive to disturbances and may be stressed if they are chased or cornered.

* Respect their space: If a whale shark appears uncomfortable or agitated, it's best to move away and give it space.

It's important to remember that whale shark populations are declining due to fishing, pollution, and climate change. Respecting these majestic creatures and supporting conservation efforts is crucial for their survival.