What biome do seahorses live in?

Seahorses live in the marine biome, specifically in coastal waters, coral reefs, and seagrass beds. They are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Here's a breakdown:

* Marine Biome: This encompasses all the saltwater environments of the world, including oceans, seas, and estuaries.

* Coastal Waters: Seahorses prefer shallow, sheltered waters close to the shore, where they can find plenty of food and protection.

* Coral Reefs: Many seahorse species live among the colorful and diverse coral reefs, using their prehensile tails to grip onto coral branches for stability.

* Seagrass Beds: These underwater meadows provide seahorses with shelter, camouflage, and a rich source of food.

They are particularly common in the Indo-Pacific region, but are also found in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.