Do Oscar fish get along with green spotted puffer fish?

No, Oscar fish and green spotted puffer fish are not compatible tank mates.

Reasons for incompatibility:

* Diet: Oscars are omnivores, while green spotted puffers are primarily carnivores. This difference in diet can lead to competition for food and potential aggression.

* Size: Oscars can grow quite large (up to 18 inches), while green spotted puffers typically reach a maximum size of 6 inches. This size difference can create territorial issues and make it difficult for the puffer to feel safe.

* Temperament: Both Oscar fish and green spotted puffers can be aggressive, especially during feeding time. The aggression of both species can lead to conflict and potential injuries.

* Toxicity: Green spotted puffers contain tetrodotoxin, a potent neurotoxin. If an Oscar were to bite or ingest a puffer, it could be poisoned.


Due to their dietary differences, size disparity, aggressive nature, and potential toxicity, Oscar fish and green spotted puffer fish are not suitable tank mates. It's important to choose compatible fish species for your aquarium to ensure the well-being of all inhabitants.