Can platys and guppies live with a fighter fish?

No, platys and guppies are not good tankmates for a fighter fish (Betta splendens). Here's why:

* Aggression: Betta fish are known for their aggressive nature, especially towards other fish. They will likely see the platys and guppies as competition for territory and food, and may attack them.

* Fin nipping: Bettas are notorious for nipping at the fins of other fish. This can be especially harmful to platys and guppies, whose delicate fins are prone to damage.

* Stress: The constant threat of being attacked by the betta can cause significant stress to the platys and guppies, leading to health problems and a shortened lifespan.

Instead of keeping them together, it's recommended to:

* Keep the betta in a separate tank: This will ensure the safety and well-being of all the fish.

* Choose suitable tank mates for the betta: Some peaceful tank mates for bettas include snails, shrimp, and some dwarf catfish. However, always research carefully before adding any new fish to a betta tank.

Remember: It's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of your fish when choosing tank mates. Doing your research and understanding the temperament of your fish is crucial to creating a healthy and happy aquarium environment.