* Tiger sharks are opportunistic feeders: They are known to consume a wide variety of prey, including fish, sea turtles, birds, and even marine mammals. Their diet is largely driven by what is available and accessible.
* Sea hares are abundant and easily accessible: Sea hares are common in coastal areas, which overlap with tiger shark habitats. They are also relatively slow-moving and defenseless, making them easy prey for a large predator.
* Tiger sharks have a varied diet: Their teeth are designed to tear and crush, allowing them to consume a wide range of prey, including soft-bodied invertebrates like sea hares.
However, there are a few considerations:
* Size matters: Sea hares are relatively small, and while a large tiger shark might not be very interested in such a small meal, a juvenile tiger shark might consider them a suitable snack.
* Dietary preferences: While tiger sharks are opportunistic, they might prefer other, larger prey when available.
In conclusion: While there's no direct evidence, it's reasonable to assume that tiger sharks would eat sea hares if the opportunity presented itself, especially if other prey is scarce.