How to Take Care of a Spotted Blowfish

There are more than 120 varieties of spotted blowfish, also known as puffer fish. Some varieties are freshwater and others are native to saltwater. The spotted blowfish has large eyes and teeth and some people believe they possess a personality and intellect enabling them to recognize their caregivers. These fish have a 10-year lifespan on average and range in size from 1 to 25 inches in length. It earns its name from its ability to fill up with water, expanding three times its normal size when frightened. If you want to know how to take care of a spotted blowfish you need to understand its specific needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Spotted blowfish
  • Aquarium
  • Heater
  • Temperature gauge
  • Water test strips
  • Live algae
  • Hardshell cockle
  • Worms
  • Krill
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      Choose a tank large enough for your spotted blowfish. Usually it requires at least 5 gallons of water for every inch of the fish regardless if it's a saltwater or freshwater species. If your fish is 3 inches long, it will need at least 15 gallons of water. Equip your tank with a temperature gauge and heater to keep the water temperature at 80 degrees. Keep the tank covered, because the spotted blowfish can jump great lengths out of the water.

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      Feed your spotted blowfish worms or krill daily. Keep live algae and hard-shelled cockle in the water at all times. The algae will help keep the tank water clean and provide a healthy environment. The fish will chew on the cockle, dulling the sharp edges of its teeth. If the teeth grow too long it will prevent it from eating.

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      Monitor the appearance of your fish for signs of ich. "Ich" is a common parasite that causes the fish to itch and its scales to develop sores and shed. If this occurs, you will need to clean the tank thoroughly and add liquid treatments to the water to heal the fish.