How to Set Up a Cichlid Fish Aquarium

With over 2,000 species of cichlids, many of which are commonly found in the pet trade, the care of these personable fish can be just as diverse. Some species are best for the expert fish owner, while others make great starter fish. To get started with cichlids, a basic understanding of this fish group's aquarium requirements is needed. It is important to know the details (such as adult size) of the particular species you will be keeping to be able to use this basic information.

Things You'll Need

  • Tank
  • Heater
  • Filter
  • Plants
  • Aquarium décor
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    • 1

      Use a tank suitably sized for the species of cichlid you will keep in the tank. Two large (those that grow to a foot or longer) cichlids need a minimum 70-gallon tank. Smaller cichlids, such as the four-inch labidochromis electric yellow or rusty cichlid, can live with three or four other fish in a 20-gallon tank.

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      Use an aquarium heater to keep the water temperature around 70 to 80 degrees F. Most cichlids thrive at this temperature range.

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      Set the tank up with large areas for swimming and well-planted areas for hiding. This will keep any cichlid comfortable. Some cichlids, such as the Oscar, will uproot plants. For these cichlids use plastic plants.

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      Use round and smooth shaped gravel. Many cichlids dig to make a nest, so rough gravel will cut their skin.

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      Provide décor with large holes for the cichlids to hide and dart through. Fake decorations or natural rocks are suitable décor pieces for cichlids.

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      Use a filter that hangs on the side of the tank or sits under the gravel. Most cichlids are tolerant of various water conditions but do need clean water.