How to Keep Green Spotted Puffers in Fresh Water

Green spotted puffers naturally live in brackish water, which is a level between fresh and salt water. If you expose them to fresh water from their youth, it is possible to let them live in fresh water for years.

Things You'll Need

  • Sufficient aquarium space
  • Plenty of aquarium plants
  • Snails
  • Brine shrimp
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      Start out young. A young puffer is naturally supposed to be in fresh water, and they usually transition to brackish later in life. Don't expect an adult puffer or one that was already in brackish water to live in fresh water.

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      Keep them happy. Give them objects and plants to explore and plenty of space that is uncrowded by other fish. You can tell they are happy if they have a bright green spot on their heads.

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      Keep the tank clean. Puffers are dirty fish at times, and can get the aquarium dirty faster than many fish. Make sure you have a sufficient filter and try to clean it out regularly.

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      Feed them brine shrimp or something similar because they enjoy meats. Make sure to give them small snails to eat also, so it breaks down their teeth. A puffer with too long of teeth can't open its mouth to eat. A starved puffer won't survive in any type of water.