About Tropical Fish

There is something very rewarding about owning and maintaining your own tropical aquarium. Unique species of vibrantly colored fish floating among a visually appealing backdrop of stones and plant life can relax the senses of anyone who appreciates the wonders of fish life. Learning about the different types of tropical fish, along with their habits and needs, can become a worthwhile hobby for all ages. Sharing in the planning and upkeep of a tropical tank can be an educational way for a family to spend quality time together.
  1. Identification

    • Although tropical fish are usually associated with both saltwater and freshwater environments, those referred to as tropical pets are usually the type kept in a freshwater tank. Different from saltwater fish, tropicals gain their bright colors due to iridescent color scaling, while saltwater fish are colored through pigmentation. Tropical fish are also a bit easier to maintain than saltwater fish because they don't need a salt-controlled environment. Pricing is also a factor when comparing the two, with tropical fish costing considerably less than that of the saltwater types, while still offering a vibrant beauty that can be just as magnificent as their saltwater cousins.


    • Tropical fish are usually separated into groups based on compatibility. In order to create a harmonious aquarium environment, tropical fish will have to be chosen according to their aggression level. Just like people, not all tropical fish get along well with one another. There are different personalities and profiles that will clash when forced to survive in an environment that is not suitable for the species. For instance, Neon Tetras, Glass fish and Gouramis can live happily together. But throw a Molly or Tropical Shark into the mix, and the Tetras may become the Molly's lunch. For this reason, it is a good idea to research the different groups in order to decide which species you would like to add to your tropical environment. Speaking to a sales associate at your local fish shop can be a good starting point.


    • In the tropical fish world, size does matter. The amount of fish that you add to your aquarium will greatly depend on the size of the tank and the expected size of the tropical fish that will be living in it. When first purchased, tropical fish are usually babies, or miniature versions of what their adult size will be. So, it is important to take into consideration just how big of a tank you will need for your desired fish colony. After all, tropical fish are highly sensitive and crowded conditions add unnecessary stress to their lives that can often result in death.


    • Research has found that the beauty of a tropical tank can have a positive effect on the health of an individual. The level of relaxation that can be achieved simply by viewing the tranquility of the fish swimming through their aquatic environment has been known to reduce stress and also lower blood pressure. Tropical fish have also been known to enhance the viewer's mood, and lower their risk of heart attack and stroke. Therefore, investing in a tank, and taking a keen interest in the health, welfare and environment can actually benefit your overall wellness and outlook on life.


    • There are numerous misconceptions that surround the care and maintenance of tropical fish. Owning tropical fish does not mean choosing a few fish at your local pet shop, filling up a tank with water and allowing the environment to run itself. On the contrary, tropical fish need to be fed regularly, they need precise water regulation and they also need their aquatic homes cleaned on a biweekly basis. The water needs a filtration system, and the pH of the water needs to be controlled, or you may find your little friends swimming upside down due to lack of circulation and chemical concentration in the tank. The temperature inside the tank also needs to be maintained at somewhere around the 80-degree mark, depending on the care requirements of your type of tropical fish, so a heater is also necessary. In short, tropical fish need a set maintenance routine to thrive.