Things You'll Need
- Aquarium (5 gallons minimum)
- Filter system
Choose platys that are energetic swimmers with bright eyes, undamaged fins and bright coloration. Platys are available in a rainbow of colors, but have uniformly vivid coloration that should be noticeable even in a retailer's tank.
Purchase platys in groups of three or more, with two females to each male. Males try to mate frequently and can sometimes exhaust and frighten females kept alone with them.The male can be distinguished by his gonopodium, a pointed anal fin.
Allow the transport bag for new specimens to float on the community tank for at least 20 minutes to acclimate the fish to any difference in water temperature. Platys are susceptible to temperature variations, so an extra few minutes is a good idea.
Maintain a tank temperature between 68 and 78 degrees F with a neutral pH and good filtration. Because platys are active swimmers they require a filtered tank.
Provide plenty of floating plants for platys to hide in.
Platys like the addition of vegetable matter to their diet. Allowing some algae to grow on the aquarium glass will help keep them in good condition.
Feed platys flaked food with the occasional addition of brine shrimp or other live fish food available in your area. The better their diet, the more often they will have young.