How to Keep a Betta Gladiator

Betta Gladiators are popular freshwater fish because of their beautiful colors and easy care. Taking care of them does require some special considerations to keep them safe and healthy. Male Betta should never be put together or with Betta females because they are aggressive and may even fight to the death. Female Betta Gladiators usually get along well with each other, and can be kept together or with other gentle fish. When taken good care of, Betta can live for up to two years.

Things You'll Need

  • Small bowl or Betta tank
  • Water conditioner
  • pH kit
  • Aquarium thermometer
  • Betta food
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      Purchase a small bowl or Betta fish tank from your local pet store. Fill the bowl 3/4 of the way with tap water and add some water conditioning drops to remove any chlorine in the water. Make sure you read and use the amount prescribed on the label carefully. Let the water stand for 24 hours to reach room temperature before gently adding your fish from his original container. You also will need to get a pH kit to test the pH level of your tap water to make sure it is safe for your fish. A pH of 6.5 to 7.5 is best for your fish. A small aquarium thermometer also is recommended to ensure your fish water temperature is regulated properly.

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      Feed your Betta Gladiator once a day and only what he can eat within 5 minutes. Betta love to dine on freeze dried shrimp brine and fish store Betta food. Scoop out uneaten food because it will rot and make your Betta sick.

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      Place your Betta Gladiator in a safe place out of direct sunlight and away from vents or drafts, and out of cold rooms. Betta's prefer to stay in warm temperatures between 70 to 80 degrees F, with a water temperature no less than 62 degrees F and no more than 82 degrees F.

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      Change your Betta water at least once a week. You do not need to clean the tank or remove all of the water. Simply remove about 20 to 30% of the water and replace it with de-chlorinated water. This is better for your fish because it keeps beneficial bacteria cultures in the tank that can help keep ammonia and nitrate levels down.

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      Cover the top of your fish bowl with a cover or lid. Betta are good jumpers and will jump out if not covered. Make sure the lid has some small holes in it for air.