Environment for a Guppy

Guppies are some of the easiest fish to keep. They are peace-loving and coexist well with many other types of fish. They prefer a tank without a lot of added elements that make cleaning difficult, and they entertain themselves and you with their schooling behavior. Guppies can live in relatively small tanks, don't require heavy filtration and are easy to take care of.
  1. Tank

    • Guppies are schooling fish, so it is necessary to buy a tank large enough to hold at least five of them. A five to 10-gallon tank is large enough. The most comfortable setup for the fish, who rest on the bottom of their tank, is a smooth glass bottom that has been painted on the outside with black paint. Gravel or plants are not necessary for these fish.


    • Guppy tanks do not require charcoal filters or heavy-duty filtration systems. Avoiding gravel in the bottom of the tank will help keep the water hardness level right, as gravel tends to dissolve into the water. A basic air-driven corner filter is best for a guppy tank. This will create a current, which helps guppies develop strong bodies. Guppies do best with a water pH of between 6.8 and 7.4, a water hardness level of 8 to 12 and temperature between 50 and 84 degrees. Guppies can withstand a wide range of temperatures, but not a sudden change in temperature.


    • The best environment for guppies includes 12 hours of light. Sunlight is best, but if you can't give them the right amount, fluorescent light will do. Mount a 30 to 40-watt fluorescent bulb above your tank and set it to light the tank for 12 hours a day. The length of time the fish are exposed to light is more important than the intensity of the light.


    • Guppies will eat a wide variety of food. They are also omnivores. They enjoy brine shrimp, either live or frozen, as well as tropical fish flakes. Feed the fish 2 or 3 times a day, at varying times, and give them a variety of food types. Give them as much food as they can completely consume in two minutes; otherwise you are overfeeding them. Too much protein will cause your guppies to become constipated.