How to Care for Starfish

Starfish are salt water creatures named because they resemble five-pointed stars. This resemblance makes starfish a popular salt water dweller, and a welcome addition to any salt water fish tank. Starfish are relatively fish to care for by salt water tank standards, due to their ability to get along without preying on, or falling prey to, most of the other species found in salt water tanks.

Things You'll Need

  • Salt water aquarium
  • Thermometer
  • Heat lamps
  • Water testing kits
  • Starfish food
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    • 1

      Consult with an expert at your fish retailer to ensure your tank is starfish safe. Although most fish get along with starfish, some breeds such as harlequin shrimp will eat smaller starfish, while starfish will eat clams.

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      Purchase a tank with at least a 30-gallon capacity.

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      Place rocks or other stable textured items into the water to provide a comfortable home for the starfish.

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      Feed the starfish according to the needs of that particular species. While some breeds will eat micro-algae that develop naturally in the water, keeping your tank clean in the process, others require feeding at regular intervals, ranging from daily to weekly.

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      Thaw frozen foods before feeding if you are using frozen food.

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      Use heat lamps to maintain a temperature between 72 and 78 degrees.

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      Check salinity every two weeks. The ideal range is between 1.02 and 1.026.

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      Check water quality weekly using a testing kit.

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      Check filters regularly to ensure that proper filtration is occurring in your water.

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      Observe the starfish for signs of health problems, such as growth of fungus or discoloration on the starfish.