What animals other than sharks eat seagulls?

- Sea Eagles: These raptorial birds are known for their powerful beaks and sharp talons, making them skilled predators. They have been observed preying on seagulls, snatching them from the air or catching them as they rest on the water.

- Skuas: These seabirds are aggressive predators that often steal food from other birds. Skuas have been known to target seagulls, pursuing and harassing them until they regurgitate their food or drop it, providing an easy meal for the skua.

- Peregrine Falcons: These speedy falcons are expert hunters with exceptional eyesight and aerial agility. Peregrine falcons have been recorded hunting and capturing seagulls in mid-flight, demonstrating their impressive hunting prowess.

- Great Black-Backed Gulls: While generally opportunistic scavengers, Great Black-Backed Gulls have been known to engage in occasional predatory behaviour. They have been observed attacking and killing smaller gulls, including seagulls, for food when resources are scarce.

- Killer Whales: Also known as Orcas, Killer Whales are apex predators that hunt various marine mammals, fish, and seabirds. Although not their primary prey, Killer Whales have been known to occasionally target seagulls, especially when hunting in coastal areas or near seabird colonies.