Why does your fish died?

Fish can die for various reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons why fish may die:

- Water quality: Poor water quality is one of the main causes of fish death. This can include incorrect water temperature, pH levels, ammonia levels, or nitrite levels.

- Lack of oxygen: Fish need oxygen to survive. If the water lacks dissolved oxygen, the fish will struggle to breathe and may eventually die.

- Incompatible tank mates: Some fish cannot live together peaceably. Fish that are aggressive or territorial may cause stress or physical harm to their tank mates, which can lead to death.

- Disease: Fish are susceptible to many different types of diseases, such as bacterial infections, fungal infections, or parasitic infections. If diseases are not treated properly, they can lead to death.

- Sudden changes in environment: Fish are sensitive to sudden changes in their environment, such as changes in water temperature, pH levels, or decor. These changes can stress the fish, making them more vulnerable to disease or death.

- Overfeeding or starving: Overfeeding and starving are both poor practices that can impact the fish's health. It is important to feed fish the appropriate amount of food to keep them healthy. Starving and overfeeding can cause stress and make the fish more susceptible to illness and death.