- Accipiters
- Falcons
- Hawks
- Owls
- Loggerhead shrikes
- Butcherbirds
- Jays
- Woodpeckers
- Cowbirds
- Brown-headed cowbirds
- Bronzed cowbirds
- Shiny cowbirds
What eats a warbler?
Warblers are small, often colorful, passerine birds that are found in many parts of the world. They are popular with birdwatchers due to their beauty and their songs. However, warblers are also preyed upon by a variety of predators, including:
- Accipiters - Falcons - Hawks - Owls - Loggerhead shrikes - Butcherbirds - Jays - Woodpeckers - Cowbirds - Brown-headed cowbirds - Bronzed cowbirds - Shiny cowbirds |