What do you when a black molly has baby fish?

If you are unable to find or know an experienced person nearby to help you, consider the following general guide:

Setup a Breeder Tank:

1. Prepare a Breeder Tank: Set up a separate breeder tank or a hospital tank for the mother and her fry. You want to prevent any potential harm from other tank mates.

2. Condition the Breeder Tank: Fill the breeder tank with conditioned water similar to the main aquarium. Ensure the temperature is at the appropriate level for black mollies (around 72-82°F or 22-28°C).

3. Add Plants or Hiding Spots: Provide plenty of live plants or suitable hiding spots in the breeder tank for the mother and fry to feel secure and protected.

Transferring the Female:

1. Observe Behavior: Keep a close eye on the pregnant molly and watch for signs of impending birth.

2. Prepare to Transfer: Once you notice she is close to giving birth, gently catch the mother molly with a net and transfer her to the breeder tank.

3. Monitor the Birth: Allow the female to give birth in the breeder tank. The birthing process can last for several hours. Avoid disturbing her during this time.

Caring for the Fry:

1. Provide Nutrients: Offer small portions of high-quality fry food or crushed flake food several times a day. Alternatively, you can provide infusoria or live baby brine shrimp as a nutritious first meal.

2. Maintain Water Quality: Keep the breeder tank clean by performing regular partial water changes (15-20%) to maintain good water quality.

3. Monitor Growth and Health: Continuously monitor the growth and health of the fry. Remove any dead or sick fry to prevent the spread of infections.

4. Gradually Adjust Water Parameters: Over time, gradually match the water parameters in the breeder tank to the main aquarium to prepare the fry for their eventual transfer.

Releasing the Fry:

1. Assess Readiness: Wait until the fry are swimming freely and appear strong enough. This can take several weeks or even months.

2. Acclimatize the Fry: Before releasing the fry into the main aquarium, acclimate them to the main tank water by gradually introducing small amounts of tank water into their breeder tank over a few hours.

3. Reintroduce to the Main Aquarium: Once acclimated, you can release the fry into the main aquarium. Ensure there is enough space and sufficient food for the growing fry.

Seek Expert Help:

- If you're unsure about handling the birthing process or caring for the fry, it's best to seek guidance from an experienced aquarist, a local aquarium club, or a professional.