Is it okay to have neon fish tetras guppies blue tangs zebra and clown in one tank?

It is not advisable to keep neon tetras, guppies, blue tangs, zebra danios, and clownfish in the same tank. Here's why:

1. Incompatible Water Conditions: Neon tetras, guppies, and zebra danios are all freshwater species that thrive in soft, acidic water. On the other hand, blue tangs and clownfish are marine fish that require saltwater conditions with higher pH and salinity. Mixing them together can cause stress, illness, and even death for the fish.

2. Different Size and Temperament: Blue tangs can grow up to 12 inches in length and can become quite aggressive, especially toward smaller fish. Clownfish are also known to be territorial and may exhibit aggression towards other species. Neon tetras, guppies, and zebra danios are relatively smaller and peaceful fish. Keeping them together may result in the larger fish bullying or preying on the smaller ones.

3. Disease Transmission: Mixing fish from different habitats and environments increases the risk of introducing diseases and parasites. Marine fish may carry diseases that can be harmful or even deadly to freshwater species, and vice versa.

4. Dietary Needs: Neon tetras, guppies, and zebra danios are omnivores and have varied diets that include small insects, fish flakes, and plant matter. Blue tangs and clownfish are primarily herbivores and require a diet of algae and marine plant matter. Different dietary requirements can lead to competition for food and potential nutrient deficiencies.

To ensure the health and well-being of your fish, it's best to keep them in separate tanks that are specifically designed to meet their individual water conditions, size compatibility, and dietary needs.